where tears don't fall

Where tears don't fall

Listen to the silence

"Failure is often temporary, giving up is what makes it permanent."

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Myself & I

Jordan Xiphius Lee
Virgo, Snake
Ite mp
NSF - Bedok Camp II


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Sunday, February 22, 2009


Thanks for hanging out last night. Really appreciate it.
I know you guys had alot of fun last night! Especially a certain someone!

There's so many things I wanna say but I guess I'd rather say it in person.

But about last night though, never again.

/your love is like a shadow

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Descending Horizon

So you sailed away;
Into a grey sky morning

Thinking about everything that's happened just makes me wanna stab myself.
If only I wasn't such an idiot I'd be the happiest guy on earth right now.
But what's done is done, I can't take it back, though I really want to.

No matter what, no matter when, this is my promise to you.
I will only love you, you and only you.
Not gonna do stupid things to hurt or upset you ever again.
Well basically I've told you many things over and over again.
I meant every single world, honestly.

I would fly you to the moon and back if you'd be my baby.

who knows what would happen when I'm in Taiwan, I'd be devastated if my worst nightmares came true..

You stole my world;
Now I'm just a phony

/your love is like a shadow

Sunday, February 15, 2009


guide me through the life I lost

Can't remember what exactly did I do on friday...pretty much lost the entire chunk of memory for that day, crap.

Saturday was rather interesting though. Well to cut the long story short we sorta went to multiple pubs to do the same damn thing! Drink -_- I don't get why they had to change pubs when they just do the same thing at both places, sheesh.

Oh well it's back to camp tonight, see you guys, whenever.

/your love is like a shadow