where tears don't fall

Where tears don't fall

Listen to the silence

"Failure is often temporary, giving up is what makes it permanent."

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Jordan Xiphius Lee
Virgo, Snake
Ite mp
NSF - Bedok Camp II


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LunatiCx ` XiphiuS
LunatiCx ` rainbOw
LunatiCx ` Slayer
LunatiCx ` Ben[M]
LunatiCx ` Sake

Team LunaticNinja.Raging

LunatiCx ` TaMoNTeN
LunatiCx ` [RG]Hypocrisy
LunatiCx ` Tian553
LunatiCx ` VEGA
LunatiCx ` taraL.

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Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Destined To Reign

Well well, I'm posting again, who would have thought. Things are starting to brighten up here and there. Have got alot of stuff planned out for the next few years. Definitely some ways to put extra cash into the pockets!

Still trying to find time to continue taking my license and some more other important stuff. The army really eats up every single damn second of your life. No kidding.

After much brainstorming I finally remembered my HaloScan password so I needn't go through the trouble of integrating a new HaloScan into my ancient blogger template which seems to be non compatible with alot of the new shit on blogger nowadays!

Now Cheryl, you can't bitch about how I don't update because I just did! Hoping to see that face we both agreed to make later on at Cartel! We should exchange pictures of it while we're at it. At least my blog wouldn't be all words then HAHAHA!

Note to self. Charmaine is scary when you text her. There are few people that actually sound/behave alike in real life and when you read their texts, and Charmaine is not one of them! Like she got split personality all ~.~ (don't kill me if you chance upon this)


/your love is like a shadow